Download Furnoo - Online Fashion WooCommarce Theme at cheap price:-
Theme Overview
Where you can use this theme? Frunimark is completely unique design for a furniture store. If you have interior design exterior design or any related to furniture store you can able to use that. Yes, furniture can be anything like office or home furniture, Furiture can be mordern sotre, decore, garden furniture or any. If you selling this kind of product on on-online this store can be best for you. May I know best features of the theme? Theme comes with lots of best features like responsive, retina-ready, pixel perfect design, HTML5, CSS3, Jquery, JavaScript and best things is complete SEO compatibility, Already with Speed optimize and many more. This theme comes with WP-Bakery Page Builder and Revolutions Slider and MegaMenu and much more. If you look in to the Multiple Banners, Product tag, Ajax Wishlist design, CMS Content and Video in a Content and Category grid and brand slider and owl carousel and smart footer design and much more. Why you wait? Just click on Add to Cart and Purchase it right..!
Advanced Features
- Theme included Mailchimp
- Web design custom width container
- WPBakery Page Builder – Revolutions Slider
- YITH design
- Responsive Desing + Html5 + css3
- theme with ap mega menu
- Able to add images product slider
- Fully Dynamic webLayout
- Web product image zooming
- eCommerce Product Sorting Options
- Google Fonts able to use
- Website Popup Newsletter
- Design layout PSD included
- Share Icons with Social Media
- Theme with Documentation
- Mobile Friendly design
- One Click to view full Product
- Web Social Sharing
- Able to add Menufacturer image slider
- Create a Masonry Blog Module
- Ecommerce owl product slider
- Slider revolution
- All Browser Compatibility
- Product AJAX Wishlist, add to cart and compare option
Furnoo - Online Fashion WooCommarce Theme is developed by Templatemonster (Known and Good Developer)
If you want more information about this product then visit the main author’s website.
This plugin was uploaded on our website December 10, 2022
Download Furnoo - Online Fashion WooCommarce Theme HTML Template right now and set up your own High-End website in a matter of minutes.
You can get Furnoo - Online Fashion WooCommarce Theme here on a huge discount on individual purchase, If you buy Wowgpl membership then You can free download Furnoo - Online Fashion WooCommarce Theme as well as You will get access to all the products (28615) free like WordPress, Woocommerce, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Muse, Opencart, Prestashop, Shopify, Unbounce, Ghost, Tumblr, Virtuemart, Graphics, Html templates, Php script and more … free! We provide an automatic upgrade service for the wp plugin, Wowgpl provides 24/7 hour support by Email, Live chat, Whatsapp, Skype, as well as Phone Call support.