
Gravity Forms Picatcha Add-On 2

Original price was: $33.05.Current price is: $4.24.

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Seamless Integration
Easily integrate Picatcha into any Gravity Form.

Images are more intuitive than Words
Understanding garbled text is taxing to your our eyes & brains. As humans, we don’t see words. We actually see shapes of letters. We’ve always seen pictures right since our caveman days. Identifying images makes the CAPTCHA experience fun and enjoyable.

Images are harder for machines to crack
Unlike text (26 characters, 10 digits), the inputs space of images is high (infinite) dimensional making it a hard artificial intelligence problem. Using our Picatcha makes your website more secure from hackers.

Clicking/Touching is quicker than typing
Internet access from smartphones & tablet computers is increasing. Zooming, understanding and typing text-CAPTCHAs on these devices is a broken model. Our solution is mobile friendly enabling your visitors to use click/touch interfaces to solve the Picatcha in a very short time.

Gravity Forms Picatcha Add-On 2 ScreenShots

Product Details

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Released DateJuly 29, 2017
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