
Tesla Themes Rhino WordPress Theme 1.2.9

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Gaming Industry is very popular and can be the right place for bloggers who are able to write interesting reviews of newly released games to get potential gaming enthusiasts. In the same time why not starting earning money with your gaming blog or start a new one, that is fully SEO ready, responsive and packed with high end tools and plugins, which make the difference from other players on the market?

On the other hand Game Developers are often in need for a page where they can announce new releases and latest news about the existing games and their visitors can give reviews.

Here is where Rhino steps in. The Premium WordPress theme offers a responsive layout and the ability to connect with bbPress for making your own little community of gamers. With bbPress integration, your website turns into a full-fledged gaming discussion hub, plus having a fully responsive design is always nice for those browsing on tablets or smartphones.

The search bar sits at the very top of the website, welcoming new visitors and guiding them to the proper game articles and media. Rhino also has a system where users can subscribe to your newsletter and receive brand new game reviews whenever you publish them.

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Released DateApril 18, 2018
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Rhinotheme1.2.1Request Now
Tesla Themes Rhino WordPress Themetheme1.2.9Request Now