
Theme Junkie Fashionchic WordPress Theme 1.0.2

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A stunning fashion and lifestyle blog WordPress theme, with subtle style.

Sliders, Widgets, and Fully Responsive

Fashion Chic includes a powerful slider, sidebar widgets, multiple navigation bars, featured content blocks, advertising support, and much more!

Fully responsive, the theme is designed to flow and resize intelligently whether your visitor is using a tablet, phone, or desktop computer.

Individual Post Design

We’ve built a unique design for every different post type, for you to create an engaging look-and-feel for your site.

Blend a mix of different types of blog content together to create a page that’s a pleasure to read.

Packed with Social Goodies

Just enter your own credentials to quickly get Instagram, Dribbble, and Flickr functionality in your theme.

Give people a powerful way to connect with you outside of just your blog, and showcase your latest content.

In Summary…

Packed with powerful functionality and beautiful design, Fashion Chic makes it easy to create a stunning lifestyle or fashion blog.

This WordPress theme is fully customisable, and it’s easy to completely make it your own for your next blog project.

Product Details

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Released DateSeptember 12, 2017
ProductTypeVersionLast UpdateDownload
FashionChictheme1.0.22018-03-12Request Now