
Widget and Sidebar Customizer for WordPress 2.0.3

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It’s the little things that make visitor experience more enjoyable. Get the small details right, and impress your visitors with the style of both your widgets and sidebars. Our user-friendly plugin provides access to unlimited design settings. Adjust a background, choose an attractive combination of colors, adapt the size and style of the font, experiment with borders, shadows – the list is endless! The plugin enables you to give a completely new look even to your sidebars. What is more, it operates independently from the theme. Have no worries on that account, a change of theme does not affect the style or design of your widgets and sidebars. All the style presets you’ve created can be saved and reused due to the integrated preset manager. Take a step further with yet another amazing feature of our plugin – import the created style presets and apply them to a different domain.

**Achieve a unique style through customizing and tailoring your widgets and sidebars. Recall that those little things enhance visitor experience. **

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Released DateApril 19, 2018
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Widget Customizerplugin2.0.0Request Now
Widget and Sidebar Customizer for Wordpressplugin2.0.3Request Now